Ofrecen más de 1.500 euros por identificar a la chica que arrojó cachorros al río
* La organización ecologista PETA ofrece en su web la recompensa e informa de que se ha rastreado a quien subió el vídeo a Youtube.
* El perfil de Facebook para encontrar a la adolescente suma ya más de 47.000 seguidores.
La Red estrecha su cerco sobre la adolescente de Bosnia que arrojó seis cachorrillos a un río. La asosiación de defensa de los animales PETA ha colgado un post en su blog en el que ofrece una recompensa de 2.000 dólares (1.557 euros) a quien ayude a identificar a la chica, que en el vídeo se cubre la cabeza con la capucha de una sudadera roja y habla en croata.
PETA informa también que una asociación ha conseguido rastrear la dirección de Bosnia desde la que se subió al vídeo a Youtube, y que siguen varias pistas, pero que todavía no han conseguido identificar a la autora de una acción que ha hecho hervir Internet con mensajes de indignación y de rabia.
El vídeo fue retirado poco después de Youtube (aún puede verse en LiveLeak), pero en este canal cada día se suman versiones nuevas de gente que muestra su deseo de encontrar a la agresora y ajustar cuentas con ella.
Como ya sucedió con la mujer que arrojó un gato a un contenedor, los usuarios de la Red se han movilizado para poner nombre a la agresora.
En Facebook, el perfil creado para localizarla, Find the Girl Who Threw Puppies in River, tiene ya más de 47.000 seguidores.
It is not clear whether the clip is a hoax following the furore created by CCTV footage of Mary Bale, a woman from Coventry, who was caught on camera putting a cat in a wheelie bin.
Liveleak has disabled its comment facility to prevent users from publicising personal information but other forum sites were determined to track her down.
Some comments claim to have identified the girl as being from the town of Bugojno in Central Bosnia, which has an estimated population of 50,000.
The river Vrbas flows through the town which is a favourite hunting spot with dense forest.
Calls to identify the teenage girl were led by 4Chan - an internet forum which claims to have been the first to identify Miss Bale.
The 45 year-old received death threats and was given police protection after her employer and home address were published on the internet.
She later apologised profusely for her actions describing them as "out of character".
A spokesman for the animal welfare group PETA said they had alerted "local activists" in Bosnia to the video.
Ashley Fruno said: "Video-sharing sites have unfortunately allowed uncaring individuals to publicise cruelty they inflict on animals."
Liveleak has disabled its comment facility to prevent users from publicising personal information but other forum sites were determined to track her down.
Some comments claim to have identified the girl as being from the town of Bugojno in Central Bosnia, which has an estimated population of 50,000.
The river Vrbas flows through the town which is a favourite hunting spot with dense forest.
Calls to identify the teenage girl were led by 4Chan - an internet forum which claims to have been the first to identify Miss Bale.
The 45 year-old received death threats and was given police protection after her employer and home address were published on the internet.
She later apologised profusely for her actions describing them as "out of character".
A spokesman for the animal welfare group PETA said they had alerted "local activists" in Bosnia to the video.
Ashley Fruno said: "Video-sharing sites have unfortunately allowed uncaring individuals to publicise cruelty they inflict on animals."